from the inside of the snickers wrapper:
Substantialiscious \sub-'stan(t)-shu -li-shus\ (noun). The weight of something when you hold it with your tongue.
Is it me or should that be an adjective instead of a noun?
from the inside of the snickers wrapper:
posted by ryan G. at 7:15 PM
my friend here at work actually wrote that on the snickers wrapper. ha. he also has a big sign on his desk that says "BROSEPH" in the snickers font/style. it's sick.
he only wrote it, he didn't come up with it. and he agrees with you.
wow, small world
I'm eatin a snickers rite now I didn't think substan...... However that's spelled was a real word cool lol =]
I'm eating one right now too :)
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