Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Scarlett Johansson: Falling Down

Don't get too excited, this has nothing to do with scarlett johansson actually falling down, but rather the new VIDEO for her song Falling Down. The music is pretty good, and the video is similar to Lost in Translation in that there are long shots of her looking sideways contemplatively. Which is fine because she is gorgeous.

In other news, I met a girl on the street yesterday who looks exactly like miss johansson. I didn't get her name or number, which is probably stretching the definition of met, but if you are out there somehow reading this, and you feel that you look like scarlett johansson, please contact me. I'm the guy who was looking for the store full of lights.

1 comment:

chrisrenne said...

"durrrrr... ummm you look like... the store with the lights... ahhhh.... the island! i mean... wanna... um... i need this red light bulb, see, and..... ah... oh, your phone's ringing... ok... bye.... thanks................" (girl walks away and puts phone that wasn't ringing back into her purse)